The Africa Blogging Network is a voluntary membership network that brings together politics bloggers and journalists from East, Southern, Central and Western Africa.
We are temporarily suspending our blogging activities in order to assess damage that was done to us by a Kenyan blogger who pretended to be following our guidelines but mislead the public in a way that must be called criminal.
On June 8th 2022, our attention was drawn to an article on our platform that had allegedly plagiarized a piece of work published by “The Elephant,” a Kenyan online publication.
We immediately investigated the allegations and indeed found that said article by one of our authors was similar to an article published more than 4 years earlier on “The Elephant” by Nasong’o Shadrack.
We immediately suspended the article from our platform and began investigating what at the time looked like an isolated incident.
Our investigations however revealed that the said author had plagiarized 17 other articles.
We immediately suspended all her articles from our platform, expelled the author from the Africa Blogging Network and banned her from ever publishing any work on any of our platforms. We wish to strongly apologize not only to the public but also to the authors whose original ideas have been copied and plagiarized in such a shameless manner.
Africa Blogging would like to reiterate that we take plagiarism as a very serious offense.
We have since moved to also suspend publication of new materials on the Africa Blogging platform to allow us to develop even stronger editorial guidelines that will guard against such incidences in the future. We hope that we will be able resume normal operations by end-July.
Blogging.Africa is a continental Civic Engagement platform that seeks to promote good governance and strengthen democratic culture in Africa by encouraging objective debate on political, social and economic developments on the continent.