Freedom of Expression

Episode #6: A win for Free Speech in Uganda

Early this week the Constitutional Court in Uganda delivered a big blow to the state’s efforts at curtailing freedom...

Zimbabwe’s disputed elections…reform or perish!

Zimbabwe is due for its harmonised elections in 2023 to choose the country’s leaders to run its affairs for...

Four years after Mugabe, Zimbabwe’s “blocked” transition

The 17th  of November 2017 is significant in Zimbabwe’s political calendar as it marked the end of President Robert...

PODCAST: Digital Taxes and Digital Rights in Africa

The Covid-19 pandemic continues to strain most African economies. As more African countries seek to widen their tax base,...

What is happening in the Kingdom of eSwatini?

Over the past few days, the continent’s last absolute monarchy of eSwatini has been rocked by political instability due...

Kenya’s satire is under threat

Kenyans have long challenged power by laughing. But the Kenyan government has started cracking down on humour. “At a...

Freedom deferred: Zimbabwe at 41 years of independence

The 18th of April 1980 officially marked the end of British colonial rule in what was Rhodesia and the...

Pens of Pain: Reflections of African journalists living in exile

When the phrase “journalists in exile” is mentioned, many tend to think that it’s a thing of the past....

Podcast: Arrested and Tortured for writing a book featuring Kakwenza Rukirabashaija

Ugandan novelist Kakwenza Rukirabashaija narrates the harrowing story of how he was arrested and reportedly tortured for writing two...


PODCAST: How a five day internet shutdown disrupted lives in Uganda

In this episode, I chat with Ruth Aine, a fellow AfricaBlogging author from Uganda discussing the five-day internet blackout...

Trump, Twitter, and freedom of speech

To make my biases clear at the outset, I’ve been appalled at how Donald Trump has been fomenting racism,...

The Role of Social Media in the 2021 Ugandan Elections featuring Songa Stone

The proliferation of smartphone devices has led to more meaningful access to the internet as more Ugandans are using...

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