Tag Archive: Morality

Two more homophobic churches for South Africa!

Last year, I disagreed with Malusi Gigaba’s decision to bar the homophobic preacher Steven Anderson from entering the country. One of the arguments I...

Article | January 10, 2017
Populism, more than prejudice, is the problem with Trump

This has been a pretty bad year. What we’ve lost includes Muhammad Ali, Prince, Alan Rickman, David Bowie, Maurice White, Glenn Frey, George Martin,...

Article | November 14, 2016
Africa Blogging Dealing with “Unintentional Racism”

Eusebius McKaiser invited me onto his radio show to talk about intentions and their role in assigning praise and blame, or more broadly, in...

Article | September 16, 2016
Caster Semenya, and Fairness in Sport (and Life)

If we were to design athletic competition from scratch, how would we proceed? I think, given all the biases we’ve challenged or discarded since...

Article | August 31, 2016
Zuma – manifestly unfit for purpose

Moral debates are not settled in courts. The law can be profoundly immoral, if it is written and practiced by those who want to...

Article | April 28, 2016