Vaccination, ethics and freedom of choice
South Africa
Jacques Rousseau

Jacques Rousseau is a lecturer in critical thinking and business ethics at the University of Cape Town. He is the founder and chairperson of the Free Society Institute - - founded in 2009 to promote secular humanism and scientific reasoning in South Africa. Jacques is a regular contributor to public debates on politics, science and morality in the South African media, via columns, op-eds, television and radio. He blogs on these and other topics on Synapses – - and is active on Twitter as @JacquesR . He believes that the world be a far better place if nobody wanted to read clickbait, and could all explain why.

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Vaccination, ethics and freedom of choice

Earlier this month, News24 asked me to contribute to a piece on whether vaccine mandates were ethically defensible. Here are...

On Zille’s #StayWoke: Go Broke

Helen Zille’s new book, #StayWoke: Go Broke aims to tell us why “South Africa won’t survive America’s Culture Wars”....

Media integrity in covering South Africa’s lockdown protests

Nobody will be surprised to read that journalism leans toward sensationalism in terms of topics chosen for coverage, how...

South African alcohol bans under Covid-19 lockdown

Cyril Ramaphosa (South Africa’s President) reinstated a ban on the sale of alcohol at both restaurants and retail outlets...

Trump, Twitter, and freedom of speech

To make my biases clear at the outset, I’ve been appalled at how Donald Trump has been fomenting racism,...

Storming the Capitol – Trump’s exit won’t fix much

The scenes from Washington on Wednesday (6th January 2020), where the process confirming Biden’s status as President-Elect was disrupted...

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