The Mis – Politics  Of Hydroxychloroquine
Ruth Aine Tindyebwa

Ruth Aine Tindyebwa is a Ugandan Blogger with vast experience both online and with Broadcast Media.

She is the first East and Southern African recipient of the Heinz Kuhn Stiftung Journalism Award
2011 in over 13 years and has trained with media houses like Deutsche Welle in Bonn, Germany. She is also the United Nations Social Good Connector for Uganda – a champion of young people that are using tech and social media for good.

She currently lives in Kampala Uganda where she is working as a freelance blogger, Editor, online journalist covering governance and society issues. She runs a personal blog; IN DEPTH which is at . She blogs for Foresight for Future Development and occasionally blogs for Deutsche Welle among other platforms. She is also the Lead Editor at - A platform that uses Social Media to connect Parliamentarians to young people in Uganda.

She is currently putting together a Platform that will bring together Ugandan Bloggers on Society, Development and Political Issues.

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